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Dec 06, 2022
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Abstract of "In vivo direct imaging of neuronal activity at high temporospatial resolution" by Phan Tan Toi, Hyun Jae Jang, Kyeongseon Min, Sung-Phil Kim, Seung-Kyun Lee, Jongho Lee, Jeehyun kwag, and Jang-Yeon Park released on Science 2022.
Jul 31, 2021
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Abstract of "High temporospatial resolution MR imaging of neuronal activity in vivo" by Phan Tan Toi, Hyun Jae Jang, Jeehyun Kwag, and Jang-Yeon Park have gotten the Summa Cum Laude Merit award at ISMRM 2021.
Dec 01, 2020
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Phan Tan Toi have been received the best poster presentation award in 23rd Korean Society for Brain and Neural Science Annual Meeting (Nov. 2020) The presentation entitled "In vivo direct imaging of neuronal activity using high spatiotemporal resolution MRI" by Phan Tan Toi, Hyun Jae Jang, Sung-Phil Kim, Jeehyun Kwag and Jang-Yeon Park*
Nov 20, 2020
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Seokwon Lee, Jinil Park, Ho Yun Lee, Jang-Yeon Park* have received the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 2020 ASMRM & ICMRI conference for outstanding scientific research and excellent oral presentation entitled "Evaluation of Pulmonary Function in Ventilation using 3D Ultrashort Echo-time MRI:
Ventilation Flow Map, Ventilation Map, and Regional Ventilation Flow-Volume Loops".
Nov 20, 2020
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Phan Tan Toi, Jang-Yeon Park* have received the Best Oral Presentation Award at the 2020 ASMRM & ICMRI conference for outstanding scientific research and excellent oral presentation entitled "In vivo Direct Imaging of Mouse Whisker Sensory Responses". .
Nov 20, 2020
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An equal-TE ultrafast 3D gradient-echo imaging method
with high tolerance to magnetic susceptibility artifacts:
Application to BOLD functional MRI Jae-Kyun Ryu, Won Beom Jung, Jaeyong Yu, Jeong Pyo Son, Seung-Kyun Lee, Seong-Gi Kim, Jang-Yeon Park* Abstract Purpose To develop an ultrafast 3D gradient echo–based MRI method with constant TE and high tolerance to B0 inhomogeneity, dubbed ERASE (equal‐TE rapid acquisition with sequential excitation), and to introduce its use in BOLD functional MRI (fMRI). Theory and Methods Essential features of ERASE, including spin behavior, were characterized, and a comparison study was conducted with conventional EPI. To demonstrate high tolerance to B0 inhomogeneity, in vivo imaging of the mouse brain with a fiber‐optic implant was performed at 9.4 T, and human brain imaging (including the orbitofrontal cortex) was performed at 3 T and 7 T. To evaluate the performance of ERASE in BOLD‐fMRI, the characteristics of SNR and temporal SNR were analyzed for in vivo rat brains at 9.4 T in comparison with multislice gradient‐echo EPI. Percent signal changes and t‐scores are also presented. Results For both mouse brain and human brain imaging, ERASE exhibited a high tolerance to magnetic susceptibility artifacts, showing much lower distortion and signal dropout, especially in the regions involving large magnetic susceptibility effects. For BOLD‐fMRI, ERASE provided higher temporal SNR and t‐scores than EPI, but exhibited similar percent signal changes inin vivo rat brains at 9.4 T. Conclusion When compared with conventional EPI, ERASE is much less sensitive, not only to EPI‐related artifacts such as Nyquist ghosting, but also to B0 inhomogeneity including magnetic susceptibility effects. It is promising for use in BOLD‐fMRI, providing higher temporal SNR and t‐scores with constant TE when compared with EPI, although further optimization is needed for human fMRI.
Nov 20, 2020
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Strategies for rapid reconstruction in 3D MRI with
radial data acquisition: 3D fast Fourier transform vs
two-step 2D filtered back-projection Jinil Park+, Jeongtaek Lee+, Joonyeol Lee, Seung-Kyun Lee & Jang-Yeon Park* Abstract For 3D radial data reconstruction in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), fast Fourier transform via gridding (gFFT) is widely used for its fast processing and flexibility. In comparison, conventional 3D filtered back projection (cFBP), while more robust against common radial k-space centering errors, suffers from long computation times and is less frequently used. In this study, we revisit another back-projection reconstruction strategy, namely two-step 2D filtered back-projection (tsFBP), as an alternative 3D radial MRI reconstruction method that combines computational efficiency and certain error tolerance. In order to compare the three methods (gFFT, cFBP, and tsFBP), theoretical analysis was performed to evaluate the number of computational steps involved in each method. Actual reconstruction times were also measured and compared using 3D radial-MRI data of a phantom and a human brain. Additionally, the sensitivity of tsFBP to artifacts caused by radial k-space centering errors was compared with the other methods. Compared to cFBP, tsFBP dramatically improved the reconstruction speed while retaining the benefit of tolerance to the radial k-space errors. Our study therefore suggests that tsFBP can be a promising alternative to the conventional back projection method for 3D radial MRI reconstruction.
Nov 20, 2020
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Jinil Park & Jae-Kyun Ryu, Ph.D. Candidates have graduated in Fall 2019 in Biomedical Engineering, SKKU in Advanced MRI Research Lab under the supervision of Prof. Jang-Yeon Park.
Nov 20, 2020
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A new ultrafast 3D gradient echo‐based imaging method using quadratic‐phase encoding Jae‐Kyun Ryu, SoHyun Han, Se‐Hong Oh, Joonsung Lee, Seong‐Gi Kim, Jang‐Yeon Park* Abstract Purpose To propose a novel 3D ultrafast gradient echo‐based MRI method, dubbed RASE, using quadratic‐phase encoding. Theory and Methods Several characteristics of RASE, including spin behaviors, spatial resolution, SNR, and reduction of susceptibility‐induced signal loss, were analytically described. A way of compensating for TE variation was suggested in the quadratic phase‐encoding direction. Lemon, in vivo rat and mouse images were demonstrated at 9.4T, including a feasibility study for DCE‐MRI as one of promising applications. Results RASE was successfully demonstrated by lemon and in vivo rat brain imaging, showing a good robustness to field inhomogeneity. Contribution of the quadratic phase to signal enhancement in a range of magnetic susceptibilities was also evaluated by simulation. Taking a geometric mean of 2 phantom data acquired with opposite gradient polarities effectively compensated for the effect of TE variation. Preliminary DCE‐MRI results were also presented, showing that RASE could more accurately estimate Gd concentration than FLASH. Conclusion RASE offers a shorter effective TE, having less sensitivity to field inhomogeneity and T2* effects, much less Nyquist ghosting or chemical‐shift artifacts than gradient echo EPI (GE‐EPI). We highly anticipate that RASE can be an alternative to GE‐EPI in many applications, particularly those requiring high spatial and temporal resolutions in a broad volume coverage.
Nov 20, 2020
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The Organizing Committee of ICMRI 2019 has honored A Best Oral Presentation Award to Jaekyun Ryu, Won Beom Jung, Jeong Pyo Son, Seong-Gi Kim, Yang-Yeon Park* for outstanding scientific research and excellent oral presentation entitled "Characteristics of BOLD-fMRI using a 3D ultrafast gradient-echo-based sequence with spatiotemporal encoding"
Nov 20, 2020
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A radial sampling strategy for uniform k-space coverage with
retrospective respiratory gating in 3D ultrashort-echo-time
lung imaging Jinil Park, Taehoon Shin, Soon Ho Yoon, Jin Mo Goo, Jang-Yeon Park* Abstract The purpose of this work was to develop a 3D radial-sampling strategy which maintains uniform k-space sample density after retrospective respiratory gating, and demonstrate its feasibility in free-breathing ultrashort-echo-time lung MRI. A multi-shot, interleaved 3D radial sampling function was designed by segmenting a single-shot trajectory of projection views such that each interleaf samples k-space in an incoherent fashion. An optimal segmentation factor for the interleaved acquisition was derived based on an approximate model of respiratory patterns such that radial interleaves are evenly accepted during the retrospective gating. The optimality of the proposed sampling scheme was tested by numerical simulations and phantom experiments using human respiratory waveforms. Retrospectively, respiratory-gated, free-breathing lung MRI with the proposed sampling strategy was performed in healthy subjects. The simulation yielded the most uniform k-space sample density with the optimal segmentation factor, as evidenced by the smallest standard deviation of the number of neighboring samples as well as minimal side-lobe energy in the point spread function. The optimality of the proposed scheme was also confirmed by minimal image artifacts in phantom images. Human lung images showed that the proposed sampling scheme significantly reduced streak and ring artifacts compared with the conventional retrospective respiratory gating while suppressing motion-related blurring compared with full sampling without respiratory gating. In conclusion, the proposed 3D radial-sampling scheme can effectively suppress the image artifacts due to non-uniform k-space sample density in retrospectively respiratory-gated lung MRI by uniformly distributing gated radial views across the k-space.
Nov 20, 2020
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Nuclear paramagnetism-induced MR frequency shift
and its implications for MR-based magnetic susceptibility measurement Jinil Park, Jeongtaek Lee, Jang-Yeon Park, Seung-Kyun Lee* Abstract Purpose To investigate the 1H spin contribution (0.004 parts per million (ppm)) to the water magnetic susceptibility and discuss its implications for high‐precision phase mapping and tissue susceptibility measurement. Methods Free induction decay (FID) signals were acquired at 3 Tesla (T) and 9.4T from thin square phantoms at a range of tip angles. The FID frequency shift was examined at a high resolution ( < 0.01 Hz) for different phantom orientations relative to the main magnetic field (B0). B0 maps on an axial and a coronal slice of a spherical phantom were obtained at 3T to examine the tip angle and orientation dependence at the 0.001 ppm level. Results A frequency shift of about 0.3 Hz was observed between tip angles of 10 ° and 90 ° when the thin phantom was normal to B0 at 3T, whereas the shift changed sign and was halved in magnitude when the phantom's face was parallel to B0. At 9.4T, the effect size increased proportionately. The orientation‐dependent frequency shift was also observed in the B0 map experiment. These observations agree with theoretical frequency shift due to longitudinal 1H spin polarization. Conclusion Magnetic susceptibility contribution from the nuclear paramagnetism should be taken into account in the interpretation of high‐precision phase and susceptibility mapping in MRI.
Aug 10, 2018
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Seok Won Lee has been granted "Global Ph.D Fellowship(GPF)" by National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). 축하합니다!
Aug 10, 2018
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Author : Jeongtaek Lee, Seung-Kyun Lee, and Jang-Yeon Park* Title : A Novel Method for Direct Detection and Spatial Mapping of Neuronal Activity ISMRM 2018 Annual meeting Summa cum Laude Award 축하합니다!
Jan 11, 2017
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Wix 게시판을 통해 다양한 이용자의 게시판 이용 현황을 실시간으로 파악할 수 있습니다. 특정 게시물의 업데이트를 놓치지 않으려면 게시물을 팔로우하세요.
Jan 11, 2017
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주제별 카테고리는 무제한으로 추가할 수 있습니다. 설정창의 카테고리 탭에서 새로운 카테고리를 추가하세요. 내 사이트 특성에 따라 다양한 주제의 카테고리를 추가하면, 이용자가 관심사에 따라 게시판을 이용할 수 있습니다.
Jan 11, 2017
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Wix 게시판의 레이아웃은 카드형과 기본형이 있습니다. 기본형 레이아웃은 텍스트 중심의 게시물에, 카드형 레이아웃은 이미지 중심의 게시물에 적합합니다. 카드형 레이아웃을 선택하면 목록에서 게시물 내용의 일부가 표시됩니다. 카드형 레이아웃을 선택하면 한 화면에 더 많은 양의 게시물을 표시할 수 있습니다.
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